About Us
Legacy High School acknowledges its students’ conduct, character, and achievement reflect the effectiveness of the school. Legacy High School students will:
- accept responsibility for their learning, decisions, and actions.
- set challenging goals and exhibit a strong work ethic to achieve them.
- work together cooperatively, respect diversity, and appreciate democratic values.
- contribute to school and community.
Legacy High School operates on the principle that a quality staff creates a quality school. The staff will:
- operate on the premise that all students can achieve when held to high expectations.
- actively support the mission, vision, commitments, and goals of the school.
- model life-long learning.
- maintain open and honest communication in order to sustain a professional and collaborative environment on a consistent and formal basis.
- closely monitor the academic progress of all students and respond with necessary support.
Legacy High School recognizes the importance of providing all students with a coherent and viable curriculum. The curriculum is:
- sequenced and aligned both vertically and horizontally to ensure academic growth from grade to grade and subject to subject.
- based on district and state standards that identify essential content.
- assessed to ensure quality learning and to inform teachers and teams regarding curricular and instructional decision-making.
- reflective of the school’s belief in seeking out and implementing best practices.
- designed to establish effective articulation with affiliated schools and post-secondary institutions.
Legacy High School recognizes that a successful environment encompasses both the physical setting and the climate of the school. Legacy High School will:
- maintain an emotionally and physically safe environment.
- operate in an orderly, purposeful, professional environment.
- celebrate the efforts and achievements of students and staff.
- maintain the physical facilities to meet the needs of the students and the community.
- monitor, respond to, and assist students in a fair and consistent manner.
Legacy High School recognizes the importance of establishing effective partnerships with its extended community. These partnerships will:
- provide the means for two-way communication in order to exchange information and feedback.
- encourage the community to participate in the daily life of the school and demonstrate its support for the school’s mission, vision, commitments, and goals.
- facilitate the involvement of parents/guardians in the education of their students.