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About Our Department

Our Vision

The Legacy High School Counseling Department provides opportunities and experiences to support, prepare, and inspire each individual student to greet the future world with confidence while achieving their fullest potential. As students embark on their careers, they will achieve success by accepting responsibility for their learning, decisions, and actions. They will have a strong foundation of work-based skills – having participated in internships, externships, volunteerism, apprenticeships, and courses relevant to their career choice. They will continue to set challenging goals and exhibit a strong work ethic to achieve them.  They will work with others cooperatively, respectful of diversity, and appreciative of democratic values. As a result of the academic, career, and social/emotional support our department provides, students of every identity will enter the workforce prepared with determination, resiliency, and aptitude to lead and impact society in a positive, long-lasting way.

Our Mission

The mission of the Legacy High School Counseling Department is to provide our community access to a comprehensive counseling program that addresses the academic, career, and social/emotional development of all students. We accomplish this work for students by knowing their name, celebrating their strengths, and addressing their needs. Through our commitment to a comprehensive counseling program, every student has access to an equitable, high-quality environment that promotes academic excellence, addresses social and emotional needs, develops career awareness, and fosters success at Legacy and all postsecondary endeavors. Equity is established by rigorous evaluation and reflection on the shared and unique characteristics of each student – reducing barriers and helping all students gain a holistic sense of personal growth and enthusiasm for their future.  Students will exhibit future success by developing the skills necessary to improve within their intellectual endeavors and innovations, demonstrate emotional resilience, exemplify social leadership, and pursue opportunities for the growth and betterment of society.

Counseling Curriculum

Adams 12 Five Star Schools has a counseling curriculum that aligns with state legislation, Colorado’s Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP); and national school counseling standards developed by the American School Counseling Association (ASCA). It offers opportunities for students to explore careers and college, strengthen academic skills, and provides support for social emotional development. 

All school counseling programs in Adams 12 Five Star Schools ground their curriculum and programming in the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model.  ASCA provides school counselors with the ability to develop and implement a comprehensive school counseling program.  All the ASCA student standards fall into three domains of development: academic, career and social-emotional development

School counselors work with students individually, in small groups, and in classrooms to deliver curriculum and foster their sense of success and well-being.

The Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) is a multi-year process that intentionally guides students and families in the exploration of career, academic and postsecondary opportunities.  With the support of adults, students develop the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to create their own meaningful and powerful pathways to be career and college ready. Students’ store their ICAP plans in Naviance where they have access to it anytime.

High School Curriculum At-A-Glance