Concurrent & Dual Enrollment (District Resource)
Do you want to take college courses and earn credit toward a certificate or degree while still in high school? Explore your options:
Concurrent Enrollment
Concurrent Enrollment
Through concurrent enrollment, students have the opportunity to take college classes offered at Five Star high schools, FutureForward campuses, and at Front Range Community College. Five Star Schools pays the tuition for these classes.
What are the benefits?
Students can get a head start on their college and career goals while still attending high school.
Students can earn college credits that count toward a college level certificate, degree or can be applied in a Career and Technical Education program
Free college credit by earning a “C” or better in a Concurrent Enrollment class.
Who is eligible?
Available to all high school students who meet the requirements of the college course and are accepted to the college for admission.
Students must have indicated the college course(s) in their ICAP and completed the required forms by the college deadline.
Students taking courses at a college campus must provide their own transportation.
Who pays for it?
Five Star Schools pays for the college tuition.
Students and families are responsible for all campus fees and books.
How do I enroll?
Work with your high school counselor to learn how to enroll in a CE course.
Learn more about the CE process at Front Range Community College.
Click here to learn more about the district’s current Concurrent Enrollment offerings.
Five Star Schools currently partners with the following colleges to offer Concurrent Enrollment opportunities:
Front Range Community College, Community College of Aurora, Red Rocks Community College and Aims Community College.
You can find more information about Concurrent Enrollment on the Colorado Department of Education website.
Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment
In the district’s dual enrollment program, local colleges award credit to students at a nominal tuition cost that the student is responsible to pay. We currently partner with CU Succeed, Colorado State University-Pueblo, and Metropolitan State University for these opportunities.
Dual enrollment offerings can be found here.
What are the benefits?
Convenience of taking college-level courses at your high school.
College credit is available at a minimal cost compared to costs of taking traditional courses on a college campus.
Who is eligible?
All high school students enrolled in any district high school.
Who pays tuition and fees?
Students and families pay a much-reduced tuition rate and course fees.
How do I enroll?
Students must contact their high school counselor to find out about dual enrollment offerings.
Students will enroll for the dual enrollment while taking the high school course.
Five Star Schools currently partners with the following colleges to offer dual enrollment opportunities:
Colorado State University-Pueblo, Metropolitan State University-Denver, and University of Colorado-Denver (P-Teach and CU Succeed programs).
Click here to learn more about the district’s current dual enrollment offerings.
Five Star College Now
Five Star College Now
Earn college credit for free while in high school!
Five Star College Now are free college courses, offered to district 11th and 12th grade students, taught in a real time remote format by Front Range Community College (FRCC) instructors. Real time remote courses are taken online from any location and meet at the same days and times each week.
To qualify you must meet the following requirements:
- You are in 11th or 12th grade at a Five Star District high school
- Available two days after school (check class schedule for days) to attend real time remote live instruction
- You want the support of your high school while trying your first college courses
- Have a computer with a working camera (college expectation is that cameras are on during class) and reliable internet connection*
*If you do not have internet connectivity refer to the Five Star College Now Registration Process for resources.
It might not be a fit for you, if:
- You are behind on credits and not on track to graduate
- You can’t commit two days per week after school to real time remote classwork
Gateway to College
Gateway to College
This program is an opportunity for students who need an alternative to traditional high school or have left high school without a diploma. Click here to view the Gateway to College website.
Students have the opportunity to complete their high school requirements while earning college credits toward a degree or certificate.
Work with your high school counselor or contact FRCC Gateway to College directly to learn more about this program.
This program is located at Northglenn High School and allows students to finish with an associate of applied science degree in computer information systems from Front Range Community College. To learn more, visit the P-TECH website.