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Course Selection

Please see the information below related to selecting courses for the 2024-25 school year. 25-26 school year Course Selections are still being created.

8th Grade Information Night
Legacy High School | March 3rd at 6:30 PM

This is a great opportunity for students and parents to learn more about Legacy. There will be school tours, information about clubs and sports, and teachers from all departments will be available. In addition, counselors will be there to answer questions about course selection and administrators will be available to answer any other school related questions​. Parents will start in the gym - please park and enter on the west side.  After a short presentation families will be released to tour the building and talk with various staff/departments

Curious about other programs? 

Are you new to Adams 12 Five Star Schools? 

If you are new to Legacy, and outside the district boundaries, please complete the form below for your grade level to make course selections for 2024-2025 and email it to Jordan Stransky