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Undocumented Student Resources (District Resource)

Undocumented students are immigrants who entered the United States without inspection or overstayed their visas & are present in the United States with or without their parents. They face unique legal uncertainties and limitations within the U.S. educational system. These are: college admissions policies, college tuition policies, and federal, state, and institutional aid policies.
With the passing of ASSET and DACA, some college and universities have opened their institutional aid to undocumented students. They may require you to complete the FAFSA even though you will not be eligible for federal student aid. Speak to your college admission and financial aid departments to learn more. You can also get more resources from MSU Denver.

We hope that you will speak with your school counselor so that we can help you navigate the college admission and financial aid process.

ASSET and Colorado Application for State Financial Aid (CASFA)

  • State aid will be awarded to students who do not have lawful immigration status through Colorado’s Financial Aid For Students With In-state Tuition legislation. The law requires an institution to classify a student as ASSET for tuition purposes if the student:
    • Graduated from a Colorado high school or was physically present in Colorado for at least one year immediately preceding the date the student successfully completed a high school equivalency examination in Colorado; and

    • Has been physically present in Colorado for at least 12 consecutive months prior to enrolling in an institution.

  • The Colorado Application for State Financial Aid (CASFA) is the application by which students that meet the qualifications can apply for this aid. Students who do not have lawful immigration status and who do not meet the qualifications listed above are also encouraged to apply for institutional aid using the CASFA. Students who are eligible for Federal Title IV aid by completing the FAFSA should not complete the CASFA. For more information about CASFA go to this FAQ page and talk to the financial aid office at your college to apply. 

Private Scholarships: